[DIY] 2 ingredients moisturizing and exfoliating face mask/scrub!

March 04, 2018

Happy Sunday fellow bloggers!
So after a few days of intense snowing and crazy drop in temperature, my skin was feeling a bit all over the place! It felt the driest it's been in a while so I decided why not make a ground coffee and honey mask... while enjoying some freshly brewed coffee!
This is a super easy DIY moisturizing and exfoliating face mask that I always use when my skin feels rough and dry.
What you need:
- 1 teaspoon of organic honey
- used ground expresso coffee (about 1-2 tablespoons), make sure it's finely ground, almost to a powder, and not coarse, because coursely ground coffee can damage the skin (and we don't want that!)
Organic honey (if you have raw honey that's the best one!): it helps make your skin moist and soft, and can also help break apart excess sebum. It is also naturally antibacterial.
Ground coffee: it's packed with natural oils, anti-oxidants (helps slow the aging process!), gently exfoliates and brightens the skin!
Now, you just mix the whole lot together and put the wet paste on your face in circular motions. Leave it on for 5-10minutes, then wash off with warm water using GENTLE circular motions to help get rid of dead skin cells. For extra plump and freshness, soak your face after in ice cold water for 1 minute (and Í mean literaly have a bowl and dunk your face in the water and leave it there for 1 minute, taking breaths when you need it). And voila, you'll notice a much softer smoother face!!
Let me know if you've tried this and what you think! :D
Have a super Sunday,

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